
The institute has established a Training and Placement Cell since its inception. The vision of the Placement Department is to ensure the enhanced employability. The aim is to ensure that students should have the information and skills necessary for an effective job search and industry interaction. The T&P Cell cater to the needs of Architectural firms and end users by providing trained, employable & job ready professionals. In order to facilitate this activity a T&P officer is appointed for the smooth functioning of the cell. Institution has also formulated specific guidelines for TPO to boost the placement of professionals.

The TPO makes consistent efforts to establish linkages with Industries & link with institutes of higher learning. The TPO visits regularly to Industries & other Institutes to explore the requirement of employees and trainees. The Training and Placement service operates round the year to facilitate contacts between companies and students. The Placement team is available to respond to student’s questions and concerns of all kinds. This may include counselling on placement procedures, preparation of applications, resumes and practice for interviews including varied career choices..

Objectives Of T&P Cell

  • To train aspiring students with requisite training for campus recruitment.
  • To arrange guest lectures of various experts in the industry.
  • To arrange guest lectures of alumni who are placed in reputed organizations.
  • To arrange guest lectures of alumni entrepreneur
  • To arrange sessions for students with regard to opportunities in Higher education and Specialization.
  • To create awareness about the different opportunities available in various fields in industry such as Digital Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Interior Design, Urban Design, Environmental Architecture, Housing, Commercial, etc.
  • To provide communication skills training.

Responsibilities of TPO

  • To look after the training and placement activities of students.
  • To have close liaison with industry for placement of students.
  • To work in consultation with Coordinator Industry‐Institute Interaction for organizing lectures from the professionals from industry.
  • To collect feedback from the companies coming for placement.
  • Arrange Training programmes for soft skills and for interview facing skills for the students using institutional and external expertise.
  • To organize the entrepreneurship workshops.

Placement Policy

The placement policy will be applicable to all students registered for the campus placements of DYPCOA and is to be followed during the entire duration of the placement season.

Eligibility Criteria For Architecture Students:

  • Eligibility is based on Architectural Drawing and Design/Basic Design/W.D. Portfolio.
  • Students select the Architecture firm with their liking/specialization e.g. interior, Landscape, Architectural Environmental Architecture.
  • Student of DYPCOA expected to complete his/her degree by June is eligible to register.
  • Students can register for placements only once. 

Guideline for Policy

  • The role of the TPO (Training and placement officer) is of a facilitator and counselor for placement related activities. TPO does NOT guarantee a job. Applying for a company or joining a company is entirely the responsibility/decision of the student concerned.
  • First job is secured. A student will be considered to have secured a job if his/her name appears in the selection list or an appointment letter is received in the TPO.
  • Students must keep their Identity Card with them at the time Interviews and produce the same when demanded by the visiting team or TPO staff or their representatives.
  • Once a student has been shortlisted by a company for placement process and receives an offer letter he /she are NOT allowed to appear for the placement drive thereafter. 

Road Map For Training & Placement

  • We will be sending college and students profile along with their achievements to Architect all over INDIA and Government organization etc.
  • The same will be sent to foreign Architect.
  • Collaboration and MOU’s with foreign Universities and Architect for exchange program for faculty and students.
  • Inviting expertise for presentation regarding future studies and placement in INDIA and abroad.
  • We are approaching foreign Architect/Architectural firms for 6 months training program at 9th semester.