The purpose of the student council committee in college is to promote the welfare of the students, encourage leadership, and enhance student engagement in college activities. It serves as a platform for elected student representatives to voice the concerns and interests of the student body. The committee shall function from AY 2021-22 and may be reformed if required.

The committee as below:

Sr.noMember typeDesignationMember NamePhone Nos.
1Vice principalChairmanAr. Chaya Tirvir9822761820
2Teacher representativeMemberAr. Nikhil Mehare7769075449
3Teacher representative (female)MemberAr. Nupur Chichkhede9960447412
4Social workerMemberAr. Anil p. Zope9860795701
5CounselorMemberMs. Shruti Seth9309516779
6Student council (representative 1)MemberMr. Parth Sasane7219000727
7Student council(representative 1)MemberMr. Omkar Chavan9168213577